Saturday, August 18, 2007

The Making Community

Photo from bara.

As a student-milliner and novice sewing enthusiast, I've turned to creative and craft blogs for inspiration and validation. The making community is a generous and supportive one—marked by a joyful nature.

Early in June, Eireann Lorsung’s mom suffered an aneurysm, which they were told only one in ten people survive. Thankfully, her mom is on her way to a full recovery.
Eireann is a poet and artist, and when she decided to organize an auction of handmade pieces to raise funds for her mother’s medical costs not covered by insurance, I knew that I was going to sew a hat for the auction.

A lot of beautiful handmade pieces from a variety of artists and crafters are waiting for your bids. Please check it out
here. To learn more about each piece and its maker, please peruse the main auction site at One in Ten.

Bidding will begin tomorrow, August 19th, and will continue until Friday evening (August 24th), so go, Go, GO!

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